Agriculture and Forestry

Agriculture and Forestry

Agricultural data captures crucial aspects like farm size, crop types, irrigation practices, and market trends, while forestry data tracks deforestation rates, forest area changes, and carbon storage potential. Together, these datasets provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness between these two vital sectors and enable stakeholders to make informed decisions for sustainable resource management and agricultural productivity in the face of climate change and other challenges.

Dashboards and Tools

Statistics for Development Division

The bulk of SDD’s sector work focuses on economic and social statistics, with other thematic statistical work covered by other SPC divisions.

PDH.Stat Data Explorer

Indicator database explorer which contains the 132 Pacific Sustainable Development Indicators (SDGs) as well as a range of economic, health, demographic and environmental datasets.

Microdata Library

Online census and survey documentation and archiving application which also provides access to microdata for some collections.