RMI Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaption and Disaster Risk Management, 2014-2018.
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
Republic of the Marshall Islands Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaption and Disaster Risk Management, 2014-2018.
National Statement for Tropical Cyclone Season 2018 - 2019
Samoa Environment Data Portal Dataset
This tropical cyclone season 2018 – 2019 highlighted that tropical Cyclone activity for Samoan region is expected to be above normal (elevated) risk with 2-3 cyclones that can pass within...
Papua New Guinea administrative level 0, 1, 2, and 3 population statistics
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Dataset
1) At administrative level 1 these tables do not refer to the National Capital District or to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The National Capital District is combined with the...
Status and Trends of Coral Reefs of the Pacific
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
This document is part of the status report series of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) founded in 1995 as part of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) to document...
- Publications
Tuvalu GIS Outer Reef Data
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset has no description
Post Disaster Needs Assessment - Cyclon Gita 2018
Tonga Environment Data Portal Dataset
Tropical Cyclone Gita hit the main island of Tongatapu and the island of ‘Eua on the night of Monday, 12th February 2018 as a destructive category 4 storm, causing severe damages to these...
A summary of the Code of Logging Practice
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
There are laws which regulate the timber industry in the Solomon Islands. These laws aim to reduce some of the environmental and social impacts that can result from logging. This booklet...
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, 2000
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
Biodiversity strategy 2000
Consumer Price Index
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
Consumer Price Index 1st and 2nd quarters 2018 report.rmieppso.org
WCS PNG - 2018 Annual Report
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society Program) is the longest established international conservation NGO within PNG, and has been undertaking conservation work in the country since the...
7th National Report(PNG)_UNCCD
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
The country has submitted its latest report using the PRAIS portal for the UNCCD. It is the latest report that was being submitted.
Area of vegetation types by Province and region in 2014
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Dataset
This dataset has no description
PNGSDS Brochure
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Papua New Guinea Strategy for the Development of Statistics 2018 - 2027
PNG National Action Plan for UNCCD June 2011(Draft)
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Combating land degradation through integrated land management
National Intergrated Environment Policy
Nauru Environment Data Portal Publications
This is the 2018 NIEP developed by DCIE with support from SPREP, UNEP, UNDP. The NIEP is a 5 year implementation plan to address environmental issues.
FSM State of Environment Report 2018
Federated States of Micronesia Environment Data Portal Publications
The FSM SoE Report reveals the current state of knowledge about the environment in FSM along the following thematic areas: atmosphere and climate, water, land, marine, biodiversity, built...
Pohnpei Water quality and project report
Federated States of Micronesia Environment Data Portal Publications
Water quality assessment report of Pohnpei and waste oil project report
Clean Pohnpei
Federated States of Micronesia Environment Data Portal Publications
Pohnpei State Solid Waste Management Action Plan 2014-2018
Invasive Species Taskforce of Pohnpei
Federated States of Micronesia Environment Data Portal Publications
Invasive Species Taskforce of Pohnpei (iSTOP) strives to enhance and preserve the natural biodiversity of Pohnpei State through collaborative efforts at all levels of our society while...