Sea Life Base Online Database : Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset provides a direct internet link to easily access marine life information and data recorded for Tuvalu on the Sea Life Base portal. Sea Life Base is a global online database...
Estimates of Fishery Production Levels by the Benefish Studies
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Dataset
Studies of the benefits to Pacific Island countries and territories from fisheries (“Benefish” studies) have been carried out in the past. Gillett and Lightfoot (2001) focused on the year...
Volumes and Values of the Catches by Offshore Fishing in the Tuvalu Zone
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Dataset
Data extracted from the 'Fisheries in the PICs' report, 2016. From the table, it can be seen that, in 2014, foreign-based offshore fishing in the Tuvalu zone produced 96,898 mt of fish,...
Volumes and Value of Annual Fisheries catches and Aqua Cultural harvest, 2014
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Dataset
This data presents the value and volume of estimated fisheries catches and aquaculture harvest in the year 2014. It was presented in the 5th National Report to the Convention on...
Information on Fisheries Management in Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
A direct internet link to easily access information on fisheries management in Tuvalu hosted on the FAO website
Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery - Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
SENTINEL-2 is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral imaging mission, supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover,...
ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) - Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second...
World Database on Protected Areas
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global...
OpenStreetMap Data Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for Tuvalu in a GIS-friendly format. The OSM data...
Waste Management (Levy Deposit) Regulation
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset has no description
Single Used Plastic Regulation
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset has no description
Tuvalu National uPOPs Action Plan 2018 - 2022
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
uPOPs Action Plan
Tuvalu Integrated Waste Policy and Action Plan 2017 - 2026
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
Waste Policy and Action Plan
Fish Base Online Database : Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This datase provides a direct internet link to access fish species information such as (names, distribution, taxonomy, habitats, behavior, genetic etc) for Tuvalu FishBase is a global...
Anthropogenic Impacts on Water quality of the lagoonal coast of Fongafale Islet
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This paper investigates the water quality of the densely populated lagoonal coasts in Fongafale Islet, and the occurrence of water pollution. A comparison was then made with less...
National Strategies for Sustainable Development
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset has no description
Bathymetric Mapping Survey on all nine atolls of Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This report describes the high-resolution bathymetric mapping survey carried out in 2004. The survey achieved good coverage of the seafloor from approximately 10 m depth in the nearshore...
Patterns of island change and persistence offer alternate adaptation pathways for atoll nations
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This article presents an analysis of shoreline change in all 101 islands in the Pacific atoll nation of Tuvalu. Using remotely sensed data, change is analysed over the past four decades,...
Tuvalu Marine Life
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
This project report has two components 1) a field survey of the fish biodiversity of Tuvalu’s reefs and lagoons, as well as documenting the species commonly caught by local fishermen and...
Nutrition Country Profile : Tuvalu
Tuvalu Environment Data Portal Publications
The Global Nutrition Reports capture the status of nutrition at the country, regional and global level. This country profile for Tuvalu aggregate the very latest data on child, adolescent...