Putting Gender Equality Centre Stage in the Pacific

Date modified: 02 June 2014

This short policy brief states women’s empowerment is important because:

  • Women’s empowerment contributes to economic growth.

  • Marginalisation of women in Pacific island labour markets reduces the labour ‘talent pool’.

  • The high level of violence against women is a major barrier to development.

It suggests a number of actions that can be taken:

  • Temporary Special Measures to raise women’s political participation can increase women in decision making which can result in broad gains in women’s empowerment.

  • Gender mainstreaming has had limited impact and needs to be further evaluated to identify constraints to progress.

  • Highlighting the costs of gender inequality can help build the political will to address it. The brief then includes data and arguments for improving women’s empowerment in the region.

Data and Resources

Issued 2021-12-21T21:26:30.780872
Modified 2014-06-02
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific (UNESCAP)