Thematic Brief: Women's Economic Empowerment in the Pacific
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This Thematic Brief provides a broad summary of information and analysis about women’s economic empowerment in the Pacific Islands region. The summary includes references to associated...
Pacific Women Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Indicators
Pacific Women Lead Dataset
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacts beyond people’s health that affect different aspects of day-to-day life. All people will be impacted in some way and must adapt to the pandemic, however...
Reaching into the Bilum Motherhood as a Source of Women’s Power in Papua New Guinea
Pacific Women Lead Publications
In Papua New Guinea, it is primarily through being ‘good’ wives, mothers and household managers that women become valued. This situation can leave young women and those who do not become...
Helpdesk Research Report: Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Pacific
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This review looks at major trends in spending (comparing women and men), the chief barriers to women having more income and control of their finances, and the key opportunities for...
Mapping Paper: Private Sector Responses to Ending Violence Against Women in the Pacific
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This mapping paper includes examples of efforts by the private sector in the Pacific to address violence against women and provides examples of how States can begin to calculate the costs...
Do No Harm: The Relationship between VAW and Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Pacific
Pacific Women Lead Publications
Even as the importance of women’s economic inclusion and empowerment is acknowledged and acted on, it is also known that such gains are not without risk; for increasing command over...
Gendered Priorities to Move out of Poverty Findings from Fiji: Part 2
Pacific Women Lead Publications
Poverty profiles presented in Fiji emphasise income, consumption and expenditure characteristics that are often associated with poverty measurement at a household level. Measurement...
‘What Is Mine Is Yours’: Women’s Asset Control and Decision-Making in Fiji and PNG
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This short paper draws on narratives from communities who participated in research in Fiji and Papua New Guinea. The findings suggest that strong gender norms may constrain women’s agency...
Transforming Workplace Norms in PNG: The Role of the Business Coalition for Women
Pacific Women Lead Publications
The link between women’s economic empowerment and the elimination of violence is pertinent in Papua New Guinea. Significant and persistent gender disparities limit the capacity of all...
Poverty Measurement: What’s Gender Got to do with it? Findings from Fiji: Part 1
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This short paper reports on planned research in Fiji, the first country in the Pacific to pilot a measure of poverty at an individual level from a gender perspective. Pacific Island...
Changing Market Culture in the Pacific
Pacific Women Lead Publications
Addressing the multiple dimensions of gender inequality requires commitments by policy-makers, practitioners and scholars to transformative practices. One challenge is to assemble a...
Big Men Drink Beer; Drunk Big Men Do Not Hit Women
Pacific Women Lead Publications
Numerous studies show obvious links between alcohol abuse and violence in Melanesia. In Papua New Guinea, alcohol is incorporated into sociality involving gift exchange and distribution...
Putting Gender into the Equation: Impact Evaluation of Seasonal Worker Program
Pacific Women Lead Publications
At the opening of the 2014 State of the Pacific Conference organised by the State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop noted the Australian...
Gender Research in the Pacific 1994-2014: Beginnings
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This study deals with research on eight critical areas of concern covered in the Revised Pacific Platform for Action 2005-2015: education, health, climate change and environment, economic...
Review of Gender and Infrastructure (2016)
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This review involved a desk review of policies and project documents and consultations with Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) agency representatives and staff from other...
Building gender equity through a Family Teams approach
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This monograph describes an approach to farmer learning and agricultural extension known as the ‘Family Teams’ approach used in a project to improve the uptake and impact of training and...
The Double Burden: Impact of Economic Empowerment Initiatives on Women’s Workload
Pacific Women Lead Publications
The research demonstrated that, in general, women’s increased involvement in community financial management and income generation has not necessarily led to a redistribution of caring...
The Relationship between VAW and WEE in Bougainville
Pacific Women Lead Publications
The Bougainville Do No Harm research confirms that women do not always gain greater empowerment when they bring money into the household because their access to economic resources does...
Alcohol, Gender and Violence in Bougainville
Pacific Women Lead Publications
This short paper draws on research undertaken in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in 2015. It specifically explored the relationship between women’s economic empowerment and violence...
The Last Taboo: Research on Managing Menstruation in the Pacific
Pacific Women Lead Publications
Key findings from this research into women’s and girl’s experiences of menstruation in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands are: Adolescent girls and women face a number of...