Promoting Gender Equality through the Millennium Development Goals

Date modified: 18 June 2013

The Australian Government is committed to the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – agreed targets set by the world’s nations to reduce poverty by 2015. The MDGs include halving extreme poverty, getting all children into school, closing the gap on gender inequality, saving lives lost to disease and lack of health care, protecting the environment and working on a global partnership for development. Gender equality is central to achieving these goals. Actively supporting women’s full participation in economic, social and political life is a key factor in reducing poverty, enhancing economic growth and democratic governance, and increasing the well-being of women, girls and their families. This report gives examples of projects supported through Australia’s aid program that ensure that the needs, priorities and interests of women, as well as men, are considered in all development activities and at every stage of the development process.

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Issued 2021-12-21T21:45:43.983764
Modified 2013-06-18
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade