Dashboards and Tools
Blue Pacific 2050 Dashboard
Education Research Bank
Pacific Food and Beverage Trade Dashboard
Gender Dashboard
17 Goals To Transform The Pacific
This SDG Dashboard is the regional dissemination platform for the 16 Pacific Island Countries and Territories which are members of the Pacific Islands Forum.
PICs Maritime Boundaries
This dashboard is the regional platform for sharing progress and relevant information on Pacific island maritime boundaries and zones.
PDH.Stat Data Explorer
Indicator database explorer which contains the 132 Pacific Sustainable Development Indicators (SDGs) as well as a range of economic, health, demographic and environmental datasets.
Pacific Map
A geospatial data exploration tool providing easy-to-use map-based visualisation of spatial data.
Population Dashboard
Mid-year estimates population figures based on interpolation of historic census counts and projections.
Country data
View data and knowledge by Pacific Island Country
Chose a country on the map to view summary information and click to search through all country`s datasets