BOM/AUSWAVE Global Ocean Waves Forecast

Date modified: 17 January 2025

Extraction of the operational global wave forecast system (AUSWAVE-G) of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) with a resolution of 0.25° for the Pacific region. 

This product is an extraction of the full model output provided by BOM. Only the first forecast of the day for a portion of the Pacific and for a few variables is provided here.

Below is the product description on the BOM website (

"The AUSWAVE wave model source code was upgraded from the third-generation wind-wave modelling framework WAVEWATCH III® (WW3) version 3.14 to version 4.18 in early 2016. This included the use of a new physical spectral source term package. Operational runs were performed using surface wind data from the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). This model was developed and tested by staff in Bureau National Operations Centre and Research and Development. For more details about this upgrade see the Bureau National Operations Centre Operations Bulletin 106.

The global AUSWAVE-G wave system was upgraded to the new version on 26 May 2020 to incorporate the surface winds from the "Australian Parallel Suite 3" (APS3) ACCESS-G, rather than the previous APS2 version. In addition, the regional AUSWAVE-R wave model was upgraded to use the surface winds from ACCESS-G3 rather than ACCESS-R2."

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Data and Resources

Identifier e2a5de7f-2daa-4663-bd03-f4eea8841710
Issued 2022-12-20
Modified 2025-01-17
Language English
DCAT Type Service
Temporal Coverage From 2025-01-15
Temporal Coverage To 2025-01-25
Publisher Name Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)