MFWAM 1/12° Global Ocean Waves Forecast

Date modified: 07 February 2025

Extraction of the operational global wave forecast system of Météo-France with a resolution of 1/12° for the Pacific region.

This product is an extraction of the full model output provided by CMEMS. Only the 10 day forecasts for a portion of the Pacific and for a few variables is provided here.

Below is the product description on the CMEMS website:

"The operational global ocean analysis and forecast system of Météo-France with a resolution of 1/12 degree is providing daily analyses and 10 days forecasts for the global ocean sea surface waves. This product includes 3-hourly instantaneous fields of integrated wave parameters from the total spectrum (significant height, period, direction, Stokes drift,...etc), as well as the following partitions: the wind wave, the primary and secondary swell waves.

The global wave system of Météo-France is based on the wave model MFWAM which is a third generation wave model. MFWAM uses the computing code ECWAM-IFS-38R2 with a dissipation terms developed by Ardhuin et al. (2010). The model MFWAM was upgraded on november 2014 thanks to improvements obtained from the european research project « my wave » (Janssen et al. 2014). The model mean bathymetry is generated by using 2-minute gridded global topography data ETOPO2/NOAA. Native model grid is irregular with decreasing distance in the latitudinal direction close to the poles. At the equator the distance in the latitudinal direction is more or less fixed with grid size 1/10°. The operational model MFWAM is driven by 6-hourly analysis and 3-hourly forecasted winds from the IFS-ECMWF atmospheric system. The wave spectrum is discretized in 24 directions and 30 frequencies starting from 0.035 Hz to 0.58 Hz. The model MFWAM uses the assimilation of altimeters with a time step of 6 hours. The global wave system provides analysis 4 times a day, and a forecast of 10 days at 0:00 UTC. The wave model MFWAM uses the partitioning to split the swell spectrum in primary and secondary swells."

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Data and Resources

Licence Other (Open) [Open Data]
Identifier 9bfde627-5ef6-4ad4-9e68-a8f10a4b6201
Issued 2022-10-31
Modified 2025-02-07
Language English
DCAT Type Service
Temporal Coverage From 2025-02-05
Temporal Coverage To 2025-02-15
Publisher Name Météo-France/CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service)