Embracing Open Data

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What is open data? why is it important? and how can open data, along with data analysis and dissemination support good governance and inform government decision making in the Pacific?

Those are big question and one a recent webinar series held by the Pacific Community (SPC) Pacific Data Hub along with SPC’s Statistics for Development and Human Rights & Social Development Divisions in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji, National Democratic Institute and International Foundation for Electoral Systems looked at.

Put simply, open data is the idea that data should be freely available to be used and reused, with the benefits of open data including increased transparency, accountability and the opportunity for effective and informed decision making.  While governance describes the processes of decision making and the processes by which decisions are made or not made, good governance describes these processes being carried out in a way that is participatory, responsive, consensus-orientated, effective and efficient, accountable, transparent, equitable and inclusive and that follows the rule of law. 

Open data is one of the key enablers of good governance.

“The principles and ideals behind open data are some of the key drivers behind what the Pacific Data Hub does to improve access to timely and reliable data from the Pacific,” said Sioeli Tonga, Pacific Data Hub Programme Manager adding that the webinars aimed to equip participants with a basic understanding of open data and good governance and their underlying principles to highlight the Pacific Data Hub’s approach in making data not just open by default, but open by design and open with purpose.

Featuring presentations related to open data, data analysis and data dissemination from the Pacific Data Hub Team, UNDP Fiji, NDI and IFES, SPC’s Statistics for Development and Health Divisions the webinar series is now available for viewing online.

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