Stat of the week: Sustainable fisheries contributes 10% of GDP in the Republic of the Marshall Islands

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Did you know? In 2017, sustainable fisheries contributes 10% of GDP in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. 

Sustainable fisheries make a vital contribution to the Gross domestic product (GDP) of LDCs and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Sustainable fisheries have supported the livelihoods and food security of communities for millennia, playing an essential role in local economies and food security. Today sustainable fisheries account for approximately 0.1 percent of global GDP, while in certain regions and LDCs they contribute more than 0.5 percent. The sustainable management of fish stocks remains critical for ensuring that fisheries continue to generate economic growth and support equitable development, meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. (Source: FAO)

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