Tonga, 2001 - 2012, Petroleum & Gas Wholesale & Retail Prices

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This record captures the petroleum & gas wholesale price and retail price for Tonga from 2001 - 2012. Data source is the Tonga Competent Authority, provided to SPC by the Tonga Energy Roadmap Implementation Unit (TERM IU) in 2014. Data is attached here as it was provided to SPC. Dataset captures the prices for kerosene, LPG, distillate fuel and unleaded petrol.

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Informações Adicionais

Alternate Identifier 4654
Issued 2022-02-15T04:38:27.245101
Modified 2022-02-15T15:38:27.178749
DCAT Type Texto
Fonte Tonga Competent Authority (TCA)