Samoa Population and Housing Census 1986

Date modified: 01 July 2019 Versão 0

The census of population and housing is by far the most important source of statistical information for planning and policy making purposes. In addition to the basic information about the number of persons and households, it provides a great deal of useful information about the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population. Census informations yields comparable statistical information for different areas and social groups. If the information collected in the 1986 Census is combined with earlier censuses in Western Samoa it provides a continuity of statistics from which changes over time can be measured.

V0.3: Edited data

-HOUSEHOLD: Household Charateristics, household listing,Religion,

  • Collection start: 1986
  • Collection end: 1986
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Informações Adicionais

Identifier SPC_WSM_1986_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2019-07-01
Modified 2019-07-01
Versão 0
DCAT Type Texto
Temporal Coverage From 1986-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 1986-12-31
Publisher Name Samoa Bureau of Statistics
Contact Point
  • Government Statistician