Tokelau Population and Housing Census 2011

Date modified: 27 June 2019 Versão 01

Information from the census provides an overall view of the people of Tokelau and the places where they live. Census information is used to plan vital public services, such as education, health, housing, and transport. It is also used to help understand how society changes over time.

Every person, household and institution present in Tokelau on Census Night, 18 October 2011, were enumerated to collect information on persons and households throughout the country, using a uniform methodology.The intent was to provide a count of all persons present within the Tokelau at that time. More specifically, the purpose of this census was to collect, process and disseminate detailed statistics on population size, composition and distribution at a small area level. The 2011 Tokelau Population and Housing Census contains data collected on HOUSEHOLDS and INSTITUTIONS: dwellling type, home ownership, household assets, access to services and energy sources; INDIVIDUALS: age, population group, language, religion, citizenship, migration, fertility, mortality and disability; and economic characteristics of individuals, including employment activities and unemployment.

v01 - Edited version of the Master file: labels added and direct identifiers removed from the original dataset.

The scope of the 2011 Population and Housing Census includes:

INDIVIDUAL- Basic demographic characteristics of individuals including age, sex, ethnicity, religion, migration, demography, educational attainment, economic activity and employment, social profile and fertility;

HOUSEHOLD- Basic household characteristics of the private dwellings, including tenure, sanitation, water and electricity, household wealth and household activities.

  • Collection start: 2011
  • Collection end: 2011
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Informações Adicionais

Identifier SPC_TKL_2011_PHC_v02_M
Issued 2019-06-27
Modified 2019-06-27
Versão 01
DCAT Type Conjunto de dados
Temporal Coverage From 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2011-12-31
Publisher Name Tokelau National Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • Tokelau National Statistics Office