Young Women Lead the Change in Bougainville

Date modified: 2019

‘The [Young Women’s Leadership Project] gave me strength, it made me realise that I can become a woman leader,’ said Elma Vesiana, a young woman from Wakunai District. Her story is shared by many young women from Bougainville whose lives were transformed through the Young Women’s Leadership Project. The project, implemented by Bougainville Women’s Federation (BWF) in partnership with International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) from January 2016–December 2018, aimed to address the needs and ambitions of young women (aged 18–30 years) seeking to increase their leadership effectiveness and provide a safe space in which young women can engage and support each other. The project was funded by the Australian Government in partnership with the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Government of Papua New Guinea through the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program.

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Informações Adicionais

Issued 2019
Modified 2019
DCAT Type Texto
Publisher Name IWDA