Poetry: What I see, What I hear and What I understand by Anna Jane Vea

Date modified: 28 October 2020

This is a pre-recorded poetry performance by Anna Jane Vea for the ‘Pacific girls and COVID-19’ webinar. The webinar promoted girls’ involvement as essential in the recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak. The poem ‘What I See, Hear and Understand’ was written for the Pacific Girl webinar and shares the perspective of an adolescent girl growing up in the Pacific. Ms Vea is a young woman poet from Tonga, currently studying at the Laucala Campus of the University of the South Pacific. She has recently been published by the Pacific Community (SPC), in the poetry anthology Rising Tide.

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Informações Adicionais

Issued 2022-01-20T03:54:16.560120
Modified 2020-10-28
DCAT Type MovingImage
Publisher Name Pacific Women Support Unit