Pacific Women and Fiji Women’s Fund Fiji Annual Reflection and Planning Workshop 2019 Report

Date modified: 16 April 2020

This report summarises the workshop approach, objectives, key learning outcomes and participant recommendations of the third Pacific Women and Fiji Women’s Fund Fiji Annual Reflection and Planning Workshop.

The primary objectives of the workshop were for participants to:

  • Reflect on overall progress in advancing gender equality at various levels.

  • Share experiences and lessons learned in promoting women’s economic empowerment, enhancing women’s leadership opportunities and capabilities, ending violence against women and coalition building.

  • Develop knowledge and skills in self-identified areas of interest.

  • Learn about the Pacific Women Six-Year Evaluation.

  • Strengthen relationships between grantees and other stakeholders.

The workshop’s participants strongly confirmed the value of the work Pacific Women and the Fund are supporting in pursuit of gender equality in Fiji. The workshop also enabled staff of the Support Unit and the Fund to receive feedback from grantees and gain insight into their accomplishments and challenges and the kinds of support required in future.

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Informações Adicionais

Issued 2021-12-21T20:42:43.361075
Modified 2020-04-16
DCAT Type Texto
Publisher Name Pacific Women Support Unit