Inaugural Kiribati Annual Reflections Meeting for gender programming

Date modified: 29 September 2021

Equal opportunities, equal human rights and equal access to services for women and men remains a priority for Kiribati. This was the focus of the national Kiribati Gender Equality and Women’s Development Policy and a key topic of discussion at the inaugural 2021 Annual Reflections Meeting held in September 2021. The meeting brought together people from across Kiribati who work to improve gender equality, through projects supported by the Australian Government and its Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) program. People attending represented a wide range of grant recipients, who receive funding for their gender equality projects from Australia through Pacific Women.

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Informações Adicionais

Issued 2021-09-29
Modified 2021-09-29
DCAT Type Texto
Publisher Name Kiribati High Commission