Australian National University Peter and Grace Make a Difference

Date modified: 2022

A product that transpired from the Pacific Women-funded research project by the Australian National University on Sorcery Accusation Related Violence is a story book called ‘Peter and Grace Make a Difference’. Peter and Grace Make a Difference is a book for children written by Anton Lutz and illustrated by Gazellah Bruder. It tells the story of two young children, Peter and Grace, who go on a journey of discovery about sorcery accusation related violence after their Aunty is accused in their village. The children speak with many people – a teacher, a doctor, a police officer, a missionary, members of their community, and their friends and family. Their teacher is a guide through Peter and Grace’s journey to understand that the accusations of sorcery should not be believed and gives them support to uncover the truth and find their own answers.

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Informações Adicionais

Issued 2022
Modified 2022
DCAT Type Texto
Publisher Name Australian National University