Measurement-points examination of circle hooks for pelagic longline fishery to evaluate effects of hook design

Date modified: 30 July 2012

Yokota, K., Minami, H., Kiyota, M. 2006. Measurement-points examination of circle hooks for pelagic longline fishery to evaluate effects of hook design [EB IP-2]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Scientific Committee Second Regular Session, Manilla, Philippines, 7-18 August 2006, 2nd. 15 p.

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Informações Adicionais

Issued 2006
Modified 2012-07-30
Idioma English
DCAT Type Texto
Contact Point
  • Yokota K.

  • Minami H.

  • Kiyota M.