Labour force participation rates and unemployment rates

Date modified: 24 April 2024

Labour force participation rate: number of people aged 15+ in the labour force as a percentage of the working-age population (aged 15+). The notion of labour force refers to people who are employed or unepmployed (according to International Labour Organization). Unemployment rate: number of people aged 15+ who are unemployed as a percentage of people in the labour force. The notion of unemployment refers to people who are 1) not in employment, 2) available to work, 3) actively looking for work.

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Informações Adicionais

Identifier SPC:DF_EMPRATES(1.0)
Modified 2024-04-24
DCAT Type Conjunto de dados
Temporal Coverage From 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2021-12-31
Publisher Name SPC