Kosrae Utilities Authority (KUA) Electricity Tariff Rates as at April 2013

Date modified: 15 February 2022

The document provides the approved new electricity tariffs rates effective 2 April, 2013. The table prvides a summary of monthly consumption (kWh) and tariffs rates for residential, commercial, government and industrial customers. It also includes the fuel adjustment charge and other charges for street and area lighting, service line relocation, yard light relocation, St/Yard light installation, reconnection service fee and temporary service request disconnection, temporary service request disconnection, new single phase electric hook-up.

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Informações Adicionais

Alternate Identifier 6657
Issued 2022-02-15T04:39:50.570862
Modified 2022-02-15T15:39:50.511680
DCAT Type Texto
Fonte Kosrae Utility Authority (KUA)