Gender Equity in Climate Change Adaptation and Low Carbon Development.- International Climate Initiative - Final Report

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Final status report on the Gender Equity in Climate Change Adaptation and Low Carbon Development.- International Climate Initiative.  The overall project experience was a great learning platform for SPC staff and in particular the project coordinator and the Small Islands Developing States.  Through this project we were able to deliver the gender mainstreaming trainings/workshops in energy and climate change adaptation whereby we empowered communities and government officials in the Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) to be more gender sensitised in their planning and project development. Work in collaboration with other regional organisations, countries governments (Ministry of Women) to successfully carry out the project objectives. Most of these countries have   resource person but do not have the funding to carry out trainings/workshops for its officials and community leaders. This project has enabled countries to collaborate with SPC to undertake trainings/workshops to enhance skills of its officers and work with community to have a gender sensitise policy, work programme and projects. Countries benefit from this project as the lessons learnt from the trainings allows them to see and apply these skills in other sectors such as water, energy, food security,  agriculture & forestry, re-location & disaster risk management that are affected by impacts of climate change.  The project main objective is to: 1)  Awareness raising on gender aspects of climate change and increasing the knowledge about the topic “ Gender sensitised in adaptation projects” 2)  Increasing the number of women and gender experts in climate policy-making ( on local, national and international level); and 3)  Generating and disseminating experience-based knowledge about gender sensitive approaches in adaptation, mitigation and climate policy.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:49:42.784179
Modified 2022-02-15 03:37:18.247871
DCAT Type Texto
Fonte Koin Etuati