Treaty between Fiji and France (Matthew and Hunter)

Date modified: 23 February 2023

Codicil modifying the Agreement of 19 January 1983 between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone, 8 November 1990 (entry into force: 8 November 1990; registration #: 27963; registration date: 7 March 1991

The delimitation between the economic zone of the Republic of France around the territories of New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna and the exclusive economic zone of Fiji is based on the line of equidistance, with certain minor divergencies for administrative convenience. The line has been determined by using the nearest points of the baselines from which the territorial sea of each country is measured. In the case of France, the baseline is drawn in conformity with the Acts of 24th December 1971 and 28th December 1976. In the case of Fiji, the baseline is the archipelagic baseline drawn in accordance with the Fiji Marine Spaces Act of 15th December 1977.


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Issued 2021-11-30
Modified 2023-02-23
言語 English
DCAT Type データセット
Publisher Name The Pacific Community (SPC)
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