Samoa Labour Force and School-to-Work Transition Survey 2017

Date modified: 28 February 2019 バージョン 01

The conceptual framework used in this second labour force survey in Samoa aligns closely with the standards and guidelines set out in Resolutions of International Conferences of Labour Statistician

The 2017 Samoa Labour Force Survey was conducted as a joint exercise between the Samoa Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour and was co-funded by the International Labour Organization and the Trade, Commerce and Manufacturing (TCM) Sector Coordinating Unit of MCIL. Furthermore, the 2017 Samoa Labour Force Survey was implemented simultaneously with the 2017 Samoa School to Work Transition Survey as the two surveys are closely inter-related.

This is the first time ever that the Samoa Bureau of Statistics has used CAPI (computer aided personal interview) where tablets were used to record answers out on the field

v01: cleaned and labelled version of the Master file.

Household composition and characteristics of household members
Literacy and education
Training within the last 12 months (outside of the general eucation system)
Temporary absence
Market activity
Characteristics of the main paid job/business activity
Characteristics of the second paid job/business activity
Working time
Job search
Previous work experience
Occupational injuries within the last 12 months
Main activity
Own use production work
School-to-work transition history of the youth

  • Collection start: 2017
  • Collection end: 2017
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Identifier SPC_WSM_2017_LFS_v01_M
Issued 2019-02-28
Modified 2019-02-28
バージョン 01
DCAT Type テキスト
Temporal Coverage From 2017-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2017-12-31
Publisher Name Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS)
Contact Point
  • Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS)