Tonga Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2021

Date modified: 30 May 2023 バージョン 01

The 2021 Tonga HIES is the new update of this kind, after the 2015/2016, 2009 & 2001 versions. This survey aims to provide indicators on Household Living Standard using monetary aspect (amount of income and expenditure), non-monetary aspect (calory consumed, assets own, imputed rents…) and more social approach (education, health, food security status…). Survey outputs have multiple uses in various domains such as public health (food nutrition analysis), economic development (poverty), system of National Account (consumption aggregates), and they represent a key source of information to populate many National SDGs.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling characteristics; Assets; Home maintenance; Vehicles; International trips; Domestic trips; Household services; Financial support; Other household expenditure; Ceremonies; Remittances; Food insecurity; Livestock and aquaculture; Agriculture; Legal services.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics; Education; Health; Disability; Communication; Alcohol; Other individual expenses; Labour force; Fisheries and hunting; Handicraft.

  • Collection start: 2021
  • Collection end: 2021
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Identifier SPC_TON_2021_HIES_v01_M
Issued 2023-01-11
Modified 2023-05-30
バージョン 01
DCAT Type データセット
Temporal Coverage From 2021-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2021-12-31
Publisher Name Tonga Statistics Department
Contact Point
  • Tonga Statistics Department