Tokelau Population and Housing Census 2006

Date modified: 27 June 2019 バージョン 01

The 2006 Census of Tokelau was conducted on the 19th of October 2006, by both local representatives and Statistics New Zealand staff. Significant planning went into both the collection and output phases of the 2006 Census – with consultation on various aspects of the census (for example, questionnaire content consultation) carried out in Tokelau, Samoa and New Zealand, where appropriate. The 2006 Census questionnaire was based on a standard form developed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), with some changes as appropriate to the Tokelau situation.

Tokelau has a unique population composition. A significant proportion of the Tokelauan population are away from the islands at any one time, for various reasons (e.g. healthcare, education). Considerable time and effort has been put into developing effective population measures for the 2006 Census of Tokelau, with a focus on ensuring all usual residents were counted – in particular those who were not present in Tokelau on census night. Core demographic information was completed by the head of the household, on behalf of people who usually live in Tokelau, but were away on census night.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

  • HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling characteristics; sources of water; means of cooking; rubbish disposal; hosuehold items; access to Sky TV, internet; numbers of pigs and chickens; sources of income.
  • INDIVIDUALS: Name (suppressed), sex, age, realationship to household head; living where; ethnicity; religion; birth mother and father still alive; language skills: speaking and writing; address 5 years ago; education and qualifications; marital status; paid and unpaid employment; children given birth to.

  • Collection start: 2006

  • Collection end: 2006
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Identifier SPC_TKL_2006_PHC_v02_M
Issued 2019-06-27
Modified 2019-06-27
バージョン 01
DCAT Type データセット
Temporal Coverage From 2006-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2006-12-31
Publisher Name
  • Statistics New Zealand
  • Tokelau National Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • Tokelau National Statistics Office