Marshall Isld. Population and Housing Census 1999

Date modified: 26 August 2019 バージョン 01

The 1999 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) of the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI)) is the tenth census conducted since 1920 and the second since RMI gained independence. The first population census in Marshall Islands was conducted in 1920, after which censuses were conducted every five years up to 1935 when World War II disrupted this pattern. The first census after World War II was in 1958, followed by censuses in 1967, 1973, 1980 and 1988.

The objectives of this census were to provide government planners, policy makers, the private sector and the international donor community with social and economic data and to fulfill the data requirements of the upcoming negotiation of the Compact of Free Association. Data on the size, composition and distribution of the population as well as the structural characteristics and available facilities of housing units were obtained.

Version 01: This is the final clean, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, Energy, Water and sanitation access, Garbage disposal, Household conveniences, Source of income.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, Language, Disability, Education, Economic status, Fertility.

  • Collection start: 1999
  • Collection end: 1999
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Identifier SPC_MHL_1999_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2019-08-25
Modified 2019-08-26
バージョン 01
DCAT Type テキスト
Temporal Coverage From 1999-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 1999-12-31
Publisher Name Marshall Islands Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • Marshall Islands Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office