Cook Island Agriculture Census 2011

Date modified: 14 January 2020 バージョン 01

The Census of Agriculture & Fisheries (AGC 2011) is a national government operation geared towards the collection and compilation of statistics in the agriculture sector of the country. The collected data will constitute the bases from which policymakers and planners will formulate plans for the country's development.

The first Census of Agriculture (CoA) in the Cook Islands was conducted in 1988 and the second in 2000. Both censuses were supported technically by FAO. The Cook Islands also has a long history of population census taking at 5-yearly intervals in years ending in 1 and 6. Traditionally the Census of Population and Dwellings (CoPD) has included questions on agricultural activity at the household level, types of crops grown, livestock numbers, farm machinery and involvement in fishing and pearl farming activities. Section 3 of this report looks at data collected in the CoPD 2011 related to agricultural, fishing and pearl farming activities

Version 01: This is the final clean, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

  • HOUSEHOLD: Geographic Identification, Levels of Agricultual Activity of the household, Agricultural holdings, Crops, Income from agricultural acivities, Use of fertilizers, Traditional methods for food storage, Use of traditional knowledge for planting, Travelling with locally grown food, Water usage, Livestock characteristics, Type of operation, Nature of disposal, Fishing, Pearl farming equipment and facilities, Pearl income;

  • HOLDING: Identification, characteristics, parcel details, scattered plants/trees, crops, labour input;

  • PARCEL: Plot details, crops, proportion for sale, crops planted, crops harvested;

  • INDIVIDUAL: Labour input.

  • Collection start: 2011

  • Collection end: 2011
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Identifier SPC_COK_2011_AGC_v01_M_v01_A_PUF
Issued 2020-01-13
Modified 2020-01-14
バージョン 01
DCAT Type テキスト
Temporal Coverage From 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2011-12-31
Publisher Name Ministry of Agriculture
Contact Point
  • Ministry of Agriculture