Pacific Women Mid Term Review of the Papua New Guinea Country Plan Bougainville Report

Date modified: 2017

In 2015 the Governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea, and the Autonomous Bougainville Government agreed on a Bougainville Gender Investment Plan for 2014–2019. The Australian Government has committed $14 million over five years, including $4 million through Pacific Women. The Bougainville Gender Investment Plan is a targeted investment plan for Bougainville, but it is not the sum total of the Australian Government’s support to women in Bougainville. The Government of Australia also provides support to gender equality in Bougainville through large mainstream investments. This report summarises the Bougainville findings from a review of the Country Plan and assesses progress towards the intended results of the Bougainville Gender Investment Plan


Issued 2017
Modified 2017
DCAT Type テキスト
Publisher Name Pacific Women Support Unit