Fiji Flood Masks

Date modified: 15 September 2023

10 m spatial resolution flood masks associated with two Tropical Cyclone Events (TC Yasa in 2020 and TC Cody in 2022) have been generated. The flood masks were generated by applying a threshold to a ratio of pre- and post-event Sentinel-1 SAR data following a method presented by UN-SPIDER and an implementation from Gandhi (2021).

Flood masks have been generated for tropical cyclone events where there was sufficient cloud-free optical images to verify that the Sentinel-1 flood masks correspond to actual flooding.

The Google Earth Engine scripts used to generate the flood masks and visually verify flooding are included in this GitHub repository.


These datasets were generated with support from a Climate Change AI Innovation Grant.


Modified 2023-09-15
DCAT Type データセット
Temporal Coverage From 2020-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2023-01-01
Publisher Name John Duncan
Contact Point