Kosrae Invasive Database

Date modified: 09 May 2022

Kosrae Invasive Database was developed from raw data and local knowledge of the people of Kosrae. Thanks to SPREP's coordination of the GBIF Project, especially on the funding available for catering and venue hiring for the Kosrae in-country meetings, and also for their good guidance to our program thorough the process. With such coordination, the participants from all local communities, namely Malem, Utwe, Tafunsak, Lelu, and Walung, were able to share information, knowledge, and experiences regarding established invasive species on Kosrae. Subsequently, all these data are organized and compared by the Plant Protection Program with existing PDF Reports and published docs concerning Kosrae invasive species.

Thank you to GBIF and the BID programme for their support in mobilizing this dataset Publication of this dataset was funded by the European Union


Alternate Identifier
  • 10.15468/ypzayn
  • a461071a-2058-4fbc-804d-bb436c6fa56a
  • https://ipt.sprep.org/resource?r=kosrae_invasive_database
言語 English
DCAT Type データセット
Temporal Coverage From 2010-08-01
Temporal Coverage To 2010-08-31
Contact Point
  • 組織

    Plant Protection Program-Department of Resources & Economic Affairs

    [email protected]