SPC CoFish Invertebrates Observations Palau 2007

Date modified: 09 May 2022

Marine invertebrate species of commercial interest observed in Palau during the CoFish surveys in Koror, Ngarchelong, Ngatpang and Airai (2007) with a mix of survey methods (manta tow, reef benthos transects, and day and night searches)


Alternate Identifier
  • 10.15468/3g25ab
  • 25852bb3-3f94-48ee-9be5-f86544133813
  • https://ipt.sprep.org/resource?r=spc_cofish_invertebrates_palau_2007
言語 English
DCAT Type データセット
Temporal Coverage From 2007-03-26
Temporal Coverage To 2007-04-15
Contact Point