Kiribati Household Listing 2018, Sample frame for DHS-MICS 2018

Date modified: 17 February 2020 Version 01

The work plan activities in Kiribati related to the updating of the listing of all households and institutions in Kiribati is to produce a sex and age disaggregated population count that forms the basis for a sampling frame for the upcoming Social Indicator Survey (SIS) and Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES). It also serves the purpose of digitalising and harmonising enumeration areas (EAs) to facilitate random sampling and census planning. To achieve this, SPC was engaged to conduct the following activities:

  1. Planning and budgeting: prepare a comprehensive plan and budget for the household listing.
  2. Mapping: prepare field maps to be used in the listing; digitalise EA boundaries and harmonisation of new EA framework; training and capacity building of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development; prepare maps for the selected EAs in the SIS.
  3. Listing questionnaire design, enumerator training and technology: develop a tablet-based household listing questionnaire and associated training resources, and set up of technology (e.g., server, tablet interviewer application, backup protocols); support Kiribati's National Statistics Office (KI-NSO) to conduct training of enumerators in all aspects of the collection; and administer South-South support to Kiribati for the duration of the listing.
  4. Sample design: design the sample and field plan for the SIS; and build capacity of KI-NSO in sample design and field work planning.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLDS/INSTITUTIONS: Household ID and building type.
-INDIVIDUALS: ID, age, sex, religion.

  • Collection start: 2018
  • Collection end: 2018
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_KIR_2018_HHL_v01_M_v01_A_PUF
Issued 2020-02-17
Modified 2020-02-17
Version 01
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2018-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2018-12-31
Publisher Name Kiribati National Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • Kiribati National Statistics Office