Review of the Fiji National Energy Policy: Report on the National Energy Forum

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This report was submitted to the GIZ, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, UNDP and the Fiji Department of Energy by the Economic Consulting Associates SMEC (New Zealand). The impact of the energy sector on Fiji’s macro economy through high and volatile prices and high import payments is significant.  The Fiji Department of Energy (DOE) in partnership with the Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) hosted a National Energy Forum on the 3rd and4th April, 2013 at the Holiday Inn, in Suva, Fiji. The forum was intended to be one among several inputs to the review of the National Energy Policy (NEP). The Forum was supported by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The National Forum provided a valuable opportunity for the NEP review consultants (ECA/SMEC) to engage with Fiji’s key stakeholders in the energy sector.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:46:23.097882
Modified 2022-02-15 03:35:11.62274
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Economic Consulting Association SMEC