Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: 2023

Date modified: 05 December 2023

A. Magnusson, J. Day, T. Teears, J. Hampton, N. Davies, C. Castillo Jordán, T. Peatman, R. Scott, J. Scutt Phillips , S. McKechnie, F. Scott, N. Yao, G. Pilling P. Williams, P. Hamer 2023. Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: 2023. [Koror, Palau (Hybrid)]: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). Scientific Committee Regular Session, Koror, Palau, 16-24 August 2023, 19th.

Data and Resources

Issued 2023
Modified 2023-12-05
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • A. Magnusson

  • J. Day

  • T. Teears

  • J. Hampton

  • N. Davies

  • C. Castillo Jordán

  • T. Peatman

  • R. Scott

  • J. Scutt Phillips

  • S. McKechnie

  • F. Scott

  • N. Yao

  • G. Pilling P. Williams

  • P. Hamer