A review of estimation methods for natural mortality and their performance in the context of fishery stock assessment

Date modified: 12 June 2023

Maunder M.N., Hamel O.S., Lee H.-H., Piner K.R., Cope J.M., Punt A.E., Ianelli J.N., Castillo-Jordán C., Kapur M.S. and Methot R.D. 2023. A review of estimation methods for natural mortality and their performance in the context of fishery stock assessment. Fisheries Research. 257:106489. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106489.

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Issued 2023
Modified 2023-06-12
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Elsevier
Contact Point
  • Maunder M.N., Hamel O.S., Lee H.-H., Piner K.R., Cope J.M., Punt A.E., Ianelli J.N., Castillo-Jordán C., Kapur M.S. and Methot R.D.