The effect of ocean acidification on otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, epipelagic fish species, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)

Date modified: 28 September 2023

Wexler J.B., Margulies D., Scholey V., Lennert-Cody C.E., Bromhead D., Nicol S., Hoyle S.D., Stein M., Williamson J.E. and Havenhand J. 2023. The effect of ocean acidification on otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, epipelagic fish species, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 569:151949.

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Issued 2023
Modified 2023-09-28
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Elsevier
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  • Wexler J.B., Margulies D., Scholey V., Lennert-Cody C.E., Bromhead D., Nicol S., Hoyle S.D., Stein M., Williamson J.E. and Havenhand J.