A preliminary summary of (i) species identification problems, (ii) discarding practices and (iii) the life status of billfish taken in longline fisheries of the western and central Pacific Ocean, according to information collected by observers and logbook data

Date modified: 30 July 2012

Sharples P., Brogan D., Williams P. 2000. A preliminary summary of (i) species identification problems, (ii) discarding practices and (iii) the life status of billfish taken in longline fisheries of the western and central Pacific Ocean, according to information collected by observers and logbook data [BBRG_15]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish, Noumea, New Caledonia, 5-12 July 2000, 13th. 14 p.

Data and Resources

  • https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/jaggm
  • oai:www.spc.int:0268075f-d3c1-4147-8960-4d1013b134a9
Issued 2000
Modified 2012-07-30
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Sharples P.

  • Brogan D.

  • Williams P.