Kiribati 2016 Urban Household Electrical Appliances, Lights, and End-use Survey report

Date modified: 15 February 2022

A household electrical appliances, lights and end-use survey was undertaken in South Tarawa during the period 19-30 July and in Kiritimati Island during the period 8-19 September 2016. In South Tarawa a total of 819 households were surveyed, which is 10.4% of all households in South Tarawa. In Kiritimati Island a total of 164 households were surveyed, which is 16.1% of all households in Kiritimati Island. The household survey was funded by the Government of Australia via the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Significant in-kind contributions were provided by the Government of Kiribati, in particular the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU) and the National Statistics Office (NSO), Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. 

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:59:07.340921
Modified 2022-02-15 03:42:23.951695
DCAT Type Text
Source Thomas Lynge Jensen
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  • Thomas Lynge Jensen