ENSO related rainfall changes over the New Guinea region

Date modified: 11 February 2022

Here we analyze rainfall data for the New Guinea region comprising station observations, reanalysis products and satellite-based estimates in order to better understand some of these details. We find that most gridded products are limited due to their relatively coarse horizontal resolutions that fail to resolve topographic effects. However, the relatively fine resolution TRMM satellite–based product appears to provide reliable estimates and linear correlations between the data and the NINO34 sea surface temperature index provides an insight into the pattern of ENSO rainfall impacts.

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Data and Resources

Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-11
DCAT Type Text
Source https://png-data.sprep.org/dataset/enso-related-rainfall-changes-over-new-guinea-region
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
Contact Point
  • jasmine.meredith