Energy storage to reach cost 'holy grail', mass adoption in 5 years

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Article  produced by the Deutsche Bank. Major findings in the report:

Predicted that energy storage is the missing link of solar adoption. This will be cheap enough and technologically ready to be deployed on a large scale within the next 5 years. Solar plus batteries will be a clear financial choice in mature solar markets in the future

Currently, according to Deutsche, the cost of a typical lead-acid battery may be as low as ~$200/kWh, while best in class lithium-ion technology was producing commercial/utility packages in the ~$500/kWh range at end 2014 – half the cost of the ~$1000/kWh 12 months prior. Commercial scale market is one of the first areas where battery deployment will flourish due to clear economic rationale. If properly incentivised, utilities could begin to aggregate neighbourhoods of solar plus batteries to behave as a single source of load reduction. Overview of storage techniques

Currently, according to Deutsche, the cost of a typical lead-acid battery may be as low as~$200/kWh, while best in class lithium-ion technology was producing commercial/utilitypackages in the ~$500/kWh range at end 2014 – half the cost of the ~$1000/kWh 12 monthsprior.

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Issued 2020-04-06T06:37:34.469180
Modified 2022-02-15 03:29:20.388758
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