Draft PNG National Ocean Policy- 13th July 2019

Date modified: 11 February 2022

The development of Papua New Guinea National Oceans Policy is at an important juncture of the country’s history in that we recognize our land resources are gradually being exploited at a rapid pace in achieving our country’s Vision by 2050, responsible sustainable development measure; and, shift of the Government and our communities’ focus into the ocean sector must be embraced as the long term measure- “a No Regrets Option” The design, planning and development of the PNG National Ocean Policy, is a 10 years policy from 2020 to 2030, a collective effort by all Papua New Guineans and friends after consultations, reviewing and assessing the numerous reports, laws, literature to develop this policy.

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Data and Resources

Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-11
DCAT Type Text
Source https://png-data.sprep.org/dataset/draft-png-national-ocean-policy-13th-july-2019
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
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