Pacific Practice Note: Opening Doors for Lasting Change – Gender Transformation in Practice

Date modified: 15 December 2021

Opening Doors for Lasting Change – Gender Transformation in Practice – sharing programming approaches that have led to gender transformative change in Papua New Guinea, to inform policy, action and practice to include principles of gender transformation. There is also a detailed video slideshow that highlights key gender transformative approaches and examples, as outlined in the Pacific Practice Note.

The 'Pacific Practice Note Series’ is a set of three Practice Notesn that capture and share nearly 10 years of evidence, lessons learned, gender transformative approaches and experiences from partners supported by Pacific Women (2012 to 2021). The three are: From Participation to Power: Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) in the Pacific ; Small Grants, Big Results ; Opening Doors for Lasting Change – Gender Transformation in Practice.

Data and Resources

Issued 2022-02-13T22:04:06.552555
Modified 2021-12-15
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Pacific Women Support Unit