Community Based Mangrove Planting Handbook for Papua New Guinea 2018

Date modified: 05 September 2022

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), many coastal communities depend on mangroves for their livelihood. Mangrove trees have been harvested over generations for construction materials and firewood. Mangroves provide a habitat for fish, crabs, shellfish, birds, and reptiles. Mangroves also provide a natural defense against storm surges, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding. An analysis conducted by government’s limate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) has highlighted community-based mangrove planting as a cost-effective measure for coastal communities. Unfortunately, overexploitation and degradation of mangrove areas means communities are losing this protection.

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Data and Resources

Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-09-05
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
Contact Point
  • biatus.bito