Generation Key Performance Indicators for the PacificRegion (PPA 2012)

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Dataset captures the KPIs  (Generation) for 21 power utilities in the Pacific Region in 2012. This was sourced from the PPA 2012 Report and has been verified to be accurate and matching with those in the report. Generation indicators captured are:

Load factor, Capacity factor, Availability factor Generation labour productivity Specific fuel oil consumption Lube oil consumption Forced Outage, Planned Outage, Generation O & M Costs Power station usage RE to grid IPP energy generation

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Alternate Identifier 4965
Issued 2022-02-15T04:39:29.815794
Modified 2022-02-15T15:39:29.750222
DCAT Type Text
Source Pacific Power Association (PPA)