Kiritimati 10-years model hindcast at 150 m resolution

Date modified: 13 June 2023

Ocean circulation model hindcast of Kiritimati (Republic of Kiribati) developed by the SIROCCO team for SPC.

Simulations performed using SYMPHONIE for the period 2010-2019 with an horizontal resolution of 150 m.

The model is forced at the boundaries by a larger scale SYMPHONIE model at 1 km resolution, itself forced at the boundaries by the Mercator global ocean analysis ( Wind forcing is provided by the ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis ( The 150 m domain is forced at the boundaries with tidal harmonics provided by the FES2014 global ocean tide atlas (

This product has not been validated against in situ data. PCCOS/SPC does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose.

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Data and Resources

Licence Other (Open) [Open Data]
Identifier 7da2fa67-bd63-457e-bf0d-e6c3901552be
Issued 2023-04-19
Modified 2023-06-13
Language English
DCAT Type Service
Temporal Coverage From 2010-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2019-12-31
Publisher Name SIROCCO - Public domain