Pacific Girls YWCA's Rise Up! treats young girls in Solomon Islands with care and patience

Date modified: 21 December 2020

The Girls Rise Up! project is based in Honiara and aims to develop the confidence, skills to earn a living and knowledge of over 200 at-risk girls to help them establish supportive peer networks and the opportunity to safely advocate for issues that affect them. Under the project, community women are trained as mentors to work with girls who are most vulnerable, ensuring that they have confidence, awareness of and access to services to make the right life choices. The most important components of the project are the inclusion of girls with disabilities and safeguarding for adolescent girls.The Girls Rise Up! project is led by the Young Women’s Christian Association in partnership with CARE International. It is supported by Australia through the Pacific Girl program, managed by Pacific Women.

Data and Resources

Issued 2020-12-21
Modified 2020-12-21
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name YWCASI and CARE