PNG 5th national report to the CBD

Date modified: 11 February 2022

Considered as one of the world’s biodiversity rich countr ies, Papua New Guinea ranks among the megadiverse countries and the last frontiers for biodiversity conservation. This land of diversity hosts 6 - 8% of the global species, hosts one - sixth of known languages, and rivals Borneo, the Amazon and the Congo in t erms of biodiversity wealth. PNG comprises the eastern half of the largest tropical island on earth, along with hundreds of smaller outlying islands, and its land mass only occupying less than 0.5% of the world’s total. Its diverse interior consists of s pectacular highland valleys, grasslands, vast expanses of rainforest, ancient swamps and mangroves. Primary rainforest covers around 75% of the country, its interior consists of undulating mountain ranges and grassy lowlands that rise to Mt.Wilhelm, the hi ghest summit at 3,600m. Crisscrossing the country’s surface, acting as a lifeline in terms of sustenance and access are a collection of thousands of waterways, the largest of which are Sepik, Purari, Markham, Strickland, Kikori and Fly Rivers.

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Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-11
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
Contact Point
  • png@dmin