Tuvalu, 2006 - 2014, Petroleum Product Imports

Date modified: 01 January 2015

This record captures Tuvalu petroleum product imports for the period 2006 - 2014.  Data is captured monthly and by fuel type: Diesel (ADF) Unleaded petrol (ULP, also known as benzene at the retailers) Kerosene - dual purpose kerosene (DPK). Data was sourced by the Tuvalu Department of Energy directly from the fuel importers and aggregated here by fuel type. Listed below are the various importing parties by Tuvalu over the years:

2006 - 2008: BP, the only importer 2009 - 2010: BP, Sulani Imports, Mackenzie Trading 2011 - 2014: Pacific Energy, Sulani Imports, Mackenzie Trading. Mikas Import started in 2012. 

Data and Resources

Alternate Identifier 4665
Modified 2015-01-01
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name
  • BP - Tuvalu
  • Sulani Imports - Tuvalu
  • Pacific Energy
  • Mackenzie Trading
  • Mikas Import